Feb 20, 2011

My Heart's Day

It's been a week and I still haven't told you guys how I spent my Valentine's Day,me being single and all. Well, remember my friends who I mentioned in this post? They once again (and always will, I hope) rescued me out of my misery. We spent the day together along with our other block mates at SM by having lunch and watching a movie which was not so holiday related at all. Some of us still had class that day, so they weren't able to watch movie with us. There were only 5 of us left,so after watching a movie, we spent a little more time together to bond and talk.

We were supposed to go at bike road after that but weren't able to because it was still too hot and the bikes are not yet available. And besides, we were too busy with school activities that we had to make use every little chance we get to finish them. That is the main reason why I haven't updated this blog for so long and I am  so,so sorry. I hope by next week I would be able to update regularly as I had before.

Nadin <3

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