Mar 25, 2011

Sorted Out (part 2)

No more school obligations! yay.=)) My blockmates and I went to SM to have our lunch at our fave Mang Inasal and bought fried ice cream for dessert. Then we went back to school for our physical exam. After having our Physical examinations for next school year, my friend Ivanne and I went to watch Red Riding Hood. Afterwards, we met up with my other roommate Donna at Ted's to celebrate our successes.
(Photos by Emark Sarmiento)

Packing up coz I'm gonna be home soon! yay. I really miss home.


Sorted Out (part 1)

Woah! So many things to blog about, don't now where to start. Uhm, maybe I'll just do it chronologically, starting monday.

After we finished 2 of our final exams, my blockmates and I went to a nearby restaurant to celebrate. I always have fun being with these people, they make my problems go away.

I went home (after almost 2 mos.) to attend my brother's graduation after my Psychology exam.. I arrived 4 pm Wednesday and went back to Iloilo at 6 am Thursday. Even if I was just there for a very short time, I had lots of fun because I was able to catch up with my cousins. I wasn't even able to visit our house because we slept at my aunt's house because I have to catch the earliest trip of the ferry for Thursday.
I also learned that I won another blog giveaway while I was there. (gonna have separate post for that if I'll receive the package already)
Confirmed that I'm still retained in accountancy program. *sigh heavily*
(Part 2,next post)

Nadin <3

Mar 24, 2011

Sunday Bonding

Last Sunday, one of my roomies Ivanne went with me to the church. We decided to eat at Crave Burger afterwards since we were craving for their fries and yummy burgers, but when we got there, it was close. Too bad! We decided to eat instead at the mall. There were so many people there cause it was a sale day. We haven't yet decided where to it, and while we're looking for some place, we saw a new food cart there! Fried Ice Cream! Yay.

While looking around, we saw a value meal at Dulcinea which offers burgers and fries combo and decided to try it out. I didn't expect much about their fries since it looks like the ones you can buy at supermarkets and fry at home, but I was pretty much excited with the burger. I got the clubhouse sandwich while Ivanne got the chicken sandwich. I wasn't disappointed with my sandwich coz it was really tasty. Yummy.

I really like Dulcinea because it is Spanish-themed, from the menu to their picture frames hung on their wall. It feels like I'm outside the country. And their churros (?) are also awesome!!! Just thinking about it makes me feel hungry. Gonna go back there soon.

Nadin <3

Mar 22, 2011

A Long Weekend

Last weekend, I had the chance to go home and be reunited with my family because we didn't have class on Friday but I chose not to because I still have exams for this week and I wanted to use the time to study. I really intended to study,really, but laziness overcame me, and I end up cramming come Sunday night. I never really learned from my past experiences,did I? Ugh. All I did was watch movies and eat and sleep and laughed my ass out along with my roomies.

Just stayed at the dorm and watched some downloaded movies.
Along with my crazy roomies.
Afterwards my friend and I decided to visit some of our other friends at a nearby hotel who are having their swimming class.
We toured around first since it was our first time there.


Craving something nice to eat.
Went to Coffee Break and had their yummy Ham and Cheese croissant.=))

It was a good way too to relax from all the stress we're getting from school. Oh how I wish it's summer already.

Nadin <3